I am trying to crop a image to a certain.
I have tried using
add_image_size( 'other', 105, 70, true );
$imageString.= '<div><a href="' . $linkstring . '">' . get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, 'other;) . '</a></div>';
But it does not seem to crop to that exact dimension.
Any Ides?
The functions related to image resizing and cropping are all placed in media.php.
For example, start reading about image_resize_dimensions which will also give you dimensions for cropping. Those dimensions can then be used with imagecopyresampled.
Generally you add image sizes into your functions.php file.
Then, once in place, for all new image uploads wordpress will create an image at that size.
If you want to create these image sizes for already uploaded images, have a look at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/
In my experience, get_the_post_thumbnail doesn't always work if you use custom image size added with add_image_size.
I'd advise you to use add_image_size, but get the image throught wp_get_attachment_image_src like this: