This is driving me nuts.
I'm setting up airflow in a cloud environment. I have one server running the scheduler and the webserver and one server as a celery worker, and I'm using airflow 1.8.0.
Running jobs works fine. What refuses to work is logging.
I've set up the correct path in airflow.cfg on both servers:
remote_base_log_folder = s3://my-bucket/airflow_logs/
remote_log_conn_id = s3_logging_conn
I've set up s3_logging_conn in the airflow UI, with the access key and the secret key as described here.
I checked the connection using
s3 = airflow.hooks.S3Hook('s3_logging_conn')
This works on both servers. So the connection is properly set up. Yet all I get whenever I run a task is
*** Log file isn't local.
*** Fetching here: http://*******
*** Failed to fetch log file from worker.
*** Reading remote logs...
Could not read logs from s3://my-bucket/airflow_logs/my-dag/my-task/2018-02-15T21:46:47.577537
I tried manually uploading the log following the expected conventions and the webserver still can't pick it up - so the problem is on both ends. I'm at a loss at what to do, everything I've read so far tells me this should be working. I'm close to just installing the 1.9.0 which I hear changes logging and see if I'm more lucky.
UPDATE: I made a clean install of Airflow 1.9 and followed the specific instructions here.
Webserver won't even start now with the following error:
airflow.exceptions.AirflowConfigException: section/key [core/remote_logging] not found in config
There is an explicit reference to this section in this config template.
So I tried removing it and just loading the S3 handler without checking first and I got the following error message instead:
Unable to load the config, contains a configuration error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/logging/", line 384, in resolve:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named
'airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin' is not a package
I get the feeling that this shouldn't be this hard.
Any help would be much appreciated, cheers
to airflow.cfg
Everything's working fine now.