Hi @ all im new with Symfony2 (2.4.4).
I want to create a HTML layout wich shows allways a form on top (searchbar). I send the form via post and would like to redirect to another controller, which should pass the user input an genarate an output. I created a new function like this:
public function searchFormAction(Request $request)
//$defaultData = array('sstring' => 'Suche');
$form = $this->createFormBuilder()
->add('fnr', 'hidden')
->add('sstring', 'search', array('label' => false))
->add('submit', 'submit', array('label' => 'suchen'))
return $this->redirect('SchmanEmployeeBundle:Employee:search', array(
'sstring' => $form->get('sstring')->getData();
return $this->render('SchmanEmployeeBundle:Employee:searchForm.html.twig', array(
'form' => $form->createView()
I extended my base layout (base.html.twig) and include the form with the render function
{% render(controller('SchmanEmployeeBundle:Employee:searchForm')) %}
This works fine and the form is allways present in my layout. The given HTML looks like this:
<form name="form" method="post" action="/app_dev.php/">
<div><input type="search" id="form_sstring" name="form[sstring]" required="required"></div>
<div><button type="submit" id="form_submit" name="form[submit]">suchen</button></div>
Now I have 3 questions. :)
If i submit the form, i dont be redirected to the searchAction Controller. This is because the $request->isMethod is allways GET. Why? The form actions is post?
In the Symfony Webtool the form section is also empty. I see all form fields (sstring) and the data is allways null. Where's the user input?
Pls help me Thanks
First off, your form is set to be POST by default, so you should be good. Second, you don't pass any data to be filled by your form, and I think you should. Third, you don't check if the form is valid, which includes the test if it's submitted. You should do this:
Also, I think you shouldn't worry about the form method because you don't have different implementations for other methods. This is the usual way the forms are handled in Symfony. You should read on forms in detail before proceeding, the article is quite informative.
There is a great code to make your search function, it should work (sorry if you dont use annotation). One good point, you can now use your searchType everywhere in your project, you should make your form like that instead of formbuilder into your controller. Easier to read and to use.
And here is the searchType class: