Is there a static code analyzer for PHP files? The binary itself can check for syntax errors, but I'm looking for something that does more, like unused variable assignments, arrays that are assigned into without being initialized first, and possibly code style warnings. Open-source programs would be preferred, but we might convince the company to pay for something if it's highly recommended.
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There a new tool called nWire for PHP. It is a code exploration plugin for Eclipse PDT and Zend Studio 7.x. It enables real-time code analysis for PHP and provides the following tools:
PHP PMD (project mess detector) and PHP CPD (copy paste detector) as the former part of PHPUnit
The NetBeans IDE checks for syntax errors, unusued variables and such. It's not automated, but works fine for small or medium projects.
I have tried using $php -l and couple other tools. However the best one in my experience (YMMV, of course) is scheck of pfff toolset. I heard about pfff on Quora (
You can compile and install it. There are no nice packages (on my mint Debian, I had to install libpcre3-dev, ocaml, libcairo-dev, libgtk-3-dev and libgimp2.0-dev dependencies first) but it should be worth an intsall.
The results are reported like
See Semantic Designs' CloneDR, a "clone detection" tool that finds copy/paste/edited code. It will find exact and near miss code fragments, in spite of whitespace, comments and even variable renamings. A sample detection report for PHP can be found at the wesite. (I'm the author).
Online PHP lint
Unitialized variables check. Link 1 and 2 already seem to do this just fine, though.
I can't say I have used any of these intensively, though :)