I am trying to use android.os.CountDownTimer to literally show a countdown timer via a textview for fitness purposes. The issue I am having is the timer seems to be having trouble running on the main thread i.e. the countdown will jump 2-4 secs and is clearly being "lagged" - the timer is intended to be in an endless loop until a stop button is pressed.
I am new to Java and Android and cannot figure out how to get the countdown timer running and updating the UI without any conflicts or lagging.
I have attempted to put the CountDown in a Handler/Runnable and an Asynctask with no luck.
CountDownTimer timer;
void countdownTimer() {
long min = countdownMins * 60000;
long sec = countdownSecs * 1000;
long milliseconds = min+sec;
timer = null;
timer = new CountDownTimer(milliseconds, 1000) {
public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
long mins = millisUntilFinished / 60000;
long secs = millisUntilFinished % 60000 / 1000;
String display = String.format("%02d:%02d", mins, secs);
public void onFinish() {
Many thanks to anyone who can show me how to get this running off the main thread so my UI elements will be smooth.
If you countdown with changing your TextView fast and frequently. You have to set your TextView width and height in a fix number, or it will lag while calculating your view scale.
I decided to take a different approach which has served my purposes very well. No lag or thread issues and can easily be restarted over and over. Hope this helps someone out.
Try to use Handler and runnable instead of CountDownTimer. Here is a good article about this approach
One more thing you could try is