I would like to draw a line right in the middle of a layout and use it as a separator of other items like TextView. Is there a good widget for this. I don't really want to use an image as it would be hard to match the other components to it. And I want it to be relatively positioned as well. Thanks
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Runtime version:
To improve on the answers provided by Alex Kucherenko and Dan Dar3
I added this to my styles:
Then in my layouts is less code and simpler to read.
You can use this
element just after the First TextView.use this code. It will help
I got easiest way to add divider.
Vertical divider :
<View style="@style/dividerVertical"/>
Horizontal divider :
<View style="@style/dividerHorizontal"/>
That's all yes!
Just put this in
Add a horizontal black line using this: