I would like to draw a line right in the middle of a layout and use it as a separator of other items like TextView. Is there a good widget for this. I don't really want to use an image as it would be hard to match the other components to it. And I want it to be relatively positioned as well. Thanks
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You can use this in
:For Example:
I usually use this code to add horizontal line:
To add vertical separator, switch the
valuesDivide the space in two equal parts:
Notice that one part contains a divider at the end
In cases where one is using
property to assign available screen space to layout components, for instanceTo add a separator between the existing two layouts which has taken the entire screen space already, we cannot just add another LinearLayout with
because that will make three equal width columns which we don't want. Instead, we will decrease the amount of space we will be giving to this new layout. Final code would look like this:Between two Layouts Put this code to get Divider.
To complete Camille Sévigny answer you can additionally define your own line shape for example to custom the line color.
Define an xml shape in drawable directory. line_horizontal.xml:
Use this line in your layout with the wished attributes: