I'm having a terrible time understanding how to get a decent amount of posts/stories when using a filter by application id. I have tried FQL, stream.get, and even using the sk query string in Facebook, and essentially my data is limited to 3 days. What could be causing this. You can get an idea of what's happening by visiting
This is a filter by the iPhone app. It only goes back 3 days. The application I'm creating relies on getting more than just that back. I would be ok with the standard 50 posts or 30 days, but frankly, 3 days just is unacceptable.
Any thoughts? Has any one else seen this?
EDIT: Here is an FQL query that won't go back very far. This one did go back 9 days, but it's still not 30.
SELECT app_id, message, created_time, source_id, likes FROM
stream WHERE filter_key="app_350685531728" LIMIT 1000;
I just found this answer on another post: filter by app id via graph call
So essentially you can make a graph call, and add me/home?filter=app_[app_id]. Nice.
But to your question, set the "until" to a unix time that is 3 months ago: i.e.
https://graph.facebook.com/me/home?filter=app_[app_id]&since=[unix time of 3 months ago]