I'm trying to display a custom welcome message to visitors based off what social media site they are coming in from. I can't get this string to work but it is echoing back no matter what the refering site is. Can anyone help me get this to work? Many thanks!
if (strpos("twitter.com",$_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER])==0) {
echo "Welcome, Twitter User! If you enjoy this post, don't hesitate to retweet it to your followers";
Tried using
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
to get this to work but no luck.
I think you may have confused strpos() with strcmp(), being strcmp() returns 0 when two strings are equal. strpos() returns the position at which a string was found. Try:
returns false when the search word does not appear in the string. 0 also evaluates to false when compared to a boolean. So false == 0, and your code always runs.Use a strict comparison to require both value and type match instead of
However, the referrer will not start with twitter.com, it'll start with
so your condition wasn't right in the first place. To search fortwitter.com
anywhere else in the string: