sorry for my english, i have this observable:
this.productos = af.database.list('/productos', {
query: {
orderByChild: 'categoria',
equalTo: this.catnombre
I need extract all id from here and set in a array but i dont know how, thanks.
I can extract the id but I use de key, now i need extract other data, but snapshot.val, dont work.
this.productos = af.database.list('/productos/', {
query: {
orderByChild: 'categoria',
equalTo: this.catnombre
}, preserveSnapshot:true
this.productos.subscribe(snapshot => {
snapshot.forEach(snapshot => {
All you need to do is
The result will be an observable of arrays of keys. Now you can subscribe it to or do whatever else you want to.
If AngularFire, and things like
, are used correctly, you don't need to worry about snapshots, or taking theirval()
, or doingforEach
on them, or taking elements and putting them onto your own array. TheFirebaseListObservable
is an observable of arrays. Simplymap
it to create other observables, as we have done above to create an observable of arrays of keys, or subscribe to it to get the underlying data.