I need to check if button with title "title_I_need" exist. And if exist to press it if not press another one. All this stuff in javaScript.
What I did I recorded in Appium.App test and added verification if button exist. As I'm not familiar with JavaScript to much I started with Objective-C. But as a result it always clicks title_I_need button but my expectation is else branch with other_title button.
Can I do such check with Appium? If yes, How can I do this with JavaScript (node.js)?
#import <Selenium/SERemoteWebDriver.h>
@implementation SeleniumTest
-(void) run
SECapabilities *caps = [SECapabilities new];
[caps addCapabilityForKey:@"appium-version" andValue:@"1.0"];
[caps setPlatformName:@"iOS"];
[caps setPlatformVersion:@"8.4"];
[caps setDeviceName:@"device_name"];
[caps setApp:@"/path/AppName.app"];
NSError *error;
SERemoteWebDriver *wd = [[SERemoteWebDriver alloc] initWithServerAddress:@"" port:4723 desiredCapabilities:caps requiredCapabilities:nil error:&error];
//check for element with wrong not existed title to go to else branch
if ([wd findElementBy:[SEBy name:@"wrong_title"]]){
[[wd findElementBy:[SEBy name:@"title_I_need"]] click];
} else {
[[wd findElementBy:[SEBy name:@"other_title"]] click];
The easiest way to do this is to use
(notice the s) which will return an array. Then simply check if the array is empty. Put this in a function and call it something likedoesElementExists
. A corresponding java method to this would be :