I am using Excel 2003 with VBA, I am dynamically creating check box controls on a sheet and want to link the VBA controls to a class so that when a user clicks on a checkbox an event is fired so I can do something.
From what I've read it would seem that creating a user class is the solution, but having tried this I can't get it to work.
My user class looks like this:
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents cbBox As MSForms.checkbox
Private Sub cbBox_Change()
MsgBox "_CHANGE"
End Sub
Private Sub cbBox_Click()
MsgBox "_CLICK"
End Sub
My code to create the checkboxes:
For Each varExisting In objColumns
'Insert the field name
objColumnHeadings.Cells(lngRow, 1).Value = varExisting
'Insert a checkbox to allow selection of the column
Set objCell = objColumnHeadings.Cells(lngRow, 2)
Dim objCBclass As clsCheckbox
Set objCBclass = New clsCheckbox
Set objCBclass.cbBox = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add( _
ClassType:="Forms.CheckBox.1" _
, Left:=300 _
, Top:=(objCell.Top + 2) _
, Height:=10 _
, Width:=9.6).Object
objCBclass.cbBox.Name = "chkbx" & lngRow
objCBclass.cbBox.Caption = ""
objCBclass.cbBox.BackColor = &H808080
objCBclass.cbBox.BackStyle = 0
objCBclass.cbBox.ForeColor = &H808080
objCheckboxes.Add objCBclass
lngRow = lngRow + 1
The checkboxes are visible in the sheet, but when I click on them, no message box is displayed so the link to the class doesn't seem to be working.
Edit...If after adding the checkboxes I go into the VB IDE and select one of the created checkboxes from the list of controls, then select Click from the Procedure drop down list, it will insert the code for a call back which if I add a message box to this, works when I click on the same checkbox...so how can I achieve this in code? I've tried recording a macro to do this, nothing was recorded.
You are currently using ActiveX controls. Yet, ActiveX controls are bound to specific naming conventions. For example: if you insert an ActiveX button onto a sheet and name it
then the sub must be namedbtnMyButton_Click
. The same applies to checkboxes. If you insert a new checkbox with the nameCheckBox2
then the sub's name must beCheckBox2_Click
. In short, there cannot be a sub with the namecbBox_Change
associated to any ActiveX checkbox.So, what you really need (with ActiveX controls) is a way to change the VBA code on a sheet. But thus far I have never come across any such code (VBA code to change VBA code on a sheet).
A much easier route would be if you'd be willing to use form controls instead.
The following sub will create a (form control) checkbox and assign the macro
to it. The subtmpSO
(unlike subs for ActiveX controls) does not need to reside on the sheet but can be in any module.Since a
from control
is calling the subtmpSO
you can useApplication.Caller
in that sub and thereby know which checkbox has been calling this sub.This will return the name of the
. So, you can use this one sub for all of your checkboxes any dynamically handle them based on their names (possibly using aCase Select
).Here is another example for
:Edit by S.Platten, jump to the bottom for how this helped me fix the problem...
Due to some weird reason, VBA doesn't hook up the events for Sheet's ActiveX control in the same execution cycle in which they were added. So, we need to come out of the cycle which added the controls and then invoke the event adding proc in next cycle.
helps here.Its seems a bit of overkill but it works :)
Class Module:
Edit continued...
The class (clsCheckbox):
The code in the sheet that adds the controls:
This isn't the entire project, but enough to demonstrate the workings.