I am currently working on a openlayers 3 project and for better visulaizing i need to show both. The Polygon shape(attribute based color) which works great and an icon on the polygon position. I know that the polygon contains multiple coordinates and so its not so easy to define a position for the icon. Now i have some kind of workaround that creates an seperate overlay with the interior Points of the polygon to mark the position of the icons. To make the project more simple i want to combine these two styling. Does anyone know if its possible?
Kind Regards
I presumes that you use a ol.source.serversource for your data. The trick is to test all your features for being a polygon. If it is, you create a point feature you add to your source.
First create the source and the layer:
The layer has a style function to set the right icon.
The main thing is the loader:
The documentation says that ol.geom.Polygon has a method called getInteriorPoint(). It has but I can get it to work. So I calculate the center point of the extent of the polygon.
I use "StyleName" to set the right icon in my style function.