I am trying to retrieve some data from Github's GraphQL API using graphql.js library.
var graph = graphql("https://api.github.com/graphql", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer <my-token-here>",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
fragments: {
rateLimitInfo: "on RateLimit {cost,remaining,resetAt}"
query repo($name: String!, $owner: String!){
repository(name:$name, owner:$owner){
name: "freeCodeCamp",
owner: "freeCodeCamp"
My promise is not being fulfilled and always failing. I am getting an HTTP response with code 400 (Bad Request) and the error
argument of the catch
function reads:
message: "Problems parsing JSON",
documentation_url: "https://developer.github.com/v3"
I have already tried passing the variables as JSON, like so:
"name": "freeCodeCamp",
"owner": "freeCodeCamp"
But it didn't help. I got the same bad request.
Looking at the Network tab of Chrome's inspector I see what the request payload is. Adding it here in case it give any clues or help.
What am I doing wrong?
The default behaviour of graphql.js is to send the body in form-url-encoded format whereas Github GraphQL api accepts only JSON format. From graphql.js readme :
You can see the difference here
The following will work as expected :