I am trying to learn mustache / icanhaz in conjunction with jquery and javascript, and I've got a mustache template to which I'm passing various data. One of the pieces of data is a list of choices, but that list can vary in length (say, one to three choices). How do I pass that varying data to mustache?
This is my code:
for (childIndex in scenes[sceneID].children) {
childSceneID = scenes[sceneID].children[childIndex];
childScene = scenes[childSceneID];
childLink = childScene.name;
decision = ich.decision(decisionData);
<script id="decision" type="text/html">
<div id="page">
<h1>{{ tTitle }}</h1>
<ul id="options">
{{#tBacklink}}<a id="back" data-sceneid="{{tBacklink}}">Back</a>{{/tBacklink}}
So somehow I have to pass all the childLinks in the decision object to mustache to be parsed in a loop to output the list of <li>
Anybody know how to do this?
Model your data in an object first of all,
Then place each of these objects in an array on each iteration of your loop
Then call Mustache to render the template with the scenes array, the template has been modified like this