Specifically, I'm looking for a client-side, JavaScript and / or Flash based multiple file uploader. The closest thing I've found is FancyUpload. Anyone have experience with it? If not, what else is out there?
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It looks like a new entry into this field is 'jQuery file upload':
Wiki / documentation
Demo page
I've used FancyUpload plenty of times and it's absolutely fantastic. The only problem (but this is true for most flash uploaders, I guess) is session handling - if you're using sessions you're going to have to pass along the session ID to the flash file and back again.
digitarald (the author) has a new version of FancyUpload in beta now that works with Flash 10 (something a lot of the other uploaders don't). According to him it should be very simple to upgrade from FancyUpload2 to the new version, once it's released.
Google Gears solution with client-side image resizing (mine, sorry for advertisment)
Alternatives to SWFUpload: