Specifically, I'm looking for a client-side, JavaScript and / or Flash based multiple file uploader. The closest thing I've found is FancyUpload. Anyone have experience with it? If not, what else is out there?
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Plupload seems to be interesting...
Uploadify is a jQuery / Flash hybrid (if you don't feel like adding in YUI just to handle uploads).
How to implement
SWFUpload is probably the leading "competitor" to that.
Agile Uploader now supports multiple files as of version 2.0. http://www.shift8creative.com/projects/agile-uploader/index.html
Here's a direct link to a demo: http://www.shift8creative.com/agile-uploader/examples/all_files.php
It allows all types of files and can actually resize images before upload to help save on bandwidth costs and server processing power.
Yahoo's YUI Uploader is your friend.
Dropzone worked for me for simple drag-and-drop functionality that degrades gracefully. Very easy to set up.