I would like to create an HTML button that acts like a link. So, when you click the button, it redirects to a page. I would like it to be as accessible as possible.
I would also like it so there aren't any extra characters, or parameters in the URL.
How can I achieve this?
Based on the answers posted so far, I am currently doing this:
<form method="get" action="/page2">
<button type="submit">Continue</button>
but the problem with this is that in Safari and Internet Explorer, it adds a question mark character to the end of the URL. I need to find a solution that doesn't add any characters to the end of the URL.
There are two other solutions to do this: Using JavaScript or styling a link to look like a button.
Using JavaScript:
<button onclick="window.location.href='/page2'">Continue</button>
But this obviously requires JavaScript, and for that reason it is less accessible to screen readers. The point of a link is to go to another page. So trying to make a button act like a link is the wrong solution. My suggestion is that you should use a link and style it to look like a button.
<a href="/link/to/page2">Continue</a>
For HTML 5 and styled button along with image background
I used this for a website I'm currently working on and it works great!. If you want some cool styling too I'll put the CSS down here.
Working JSFiddle here
The only way to do this (except for BalusC's ingenious form idea!) is by adding a JavaScript
event to the button, which is not good for accessibility.Have you considered styling a normal link like a button? You can't achieve OS specific buttons that way, but it's still the best way IMO.
Regarding BalusC's reply,
I needed to add variables to the button and wasn't sure how. I ended up using input type hidden. I thought this might be helpful to others who found this page like myself.