I would like to create an HTML button that acts like a link. So, when you click the button, it redirects to a page. I would like it to be as accessible as possible.
I would also like it so there aren't any extra characters, or parameters in the URL.
How can I achieve this?
Based on the answers posted so far, I am currently doing this:
<form method="get" action="/page2">
<button type="submit">Continue</button>
but the problem with this is that in Safari and Internet Explorer, it adds a question mark character to the end of the URL. I need to find a solution that doesn't add any characters to the end of the URL.
There are two other solutions to do this: Using JavaScript or styling a link to look like a button.
Using JavaScript:
<button onclick="window.location.href='/page2'">Continue</button>
But this obviously requires JavaScript, and for that reason it is less accessible to screen readers. The point of a link is to go to another page. So trying to make a button act like a link is the wrong solution. My suggestion is that you should use a link and style it to look like a button.
<a href="/link/to/page2">Continue</a>
Unfortunately, this markup is no longer valid in HTML5 and will neither validate nor always work as potentially expected. Use another approach.
Use it as
inside thebutton
tag.Going along with what a few others have added, you can go wild with just using a simple CSS class with no PHP, no jQuery code, just simple HTML and CSS.
Create a CSS class and add it to your anchor. The code is below.
That is it. It is very easy to do and lets you be as creative as you'd like. You control the colors, the size, the shapes(radius), etc. For more detailsm, see the site I found this on.
If you want to avoid having to use a form or an input and you're looking for a button-looking link, you can create good-looking button links with a div wrapper, an anchor and an
tag. You'd potentially want this so you can freely place the link-button around your page. This is especially useful for horizontally centering buttons and having vertically-centered text inside of them. Here's how:Your button will be comprised of three nested pieces: a div wrapper, an anchor, and an h1, like so:
Then in CSS, your styling should look like so:
Here's a jsFiddle to check it out and play around with it.
Benefits of this setup: 1. Making the div wrapper display: block makes it easy to center (using margin: 0 auto) and position (while an <a> is inline and harder to positionand not possible to center).
You could just make the <a> display:block, move it around, and style it as a button, but then vertically aligning text inside of it becomes hard.
This allows you to make the <a> display: inline-table and the <h1> display: table-cell, which allows you to use vertical-align: middle on the <h1> and center it vertically (which is always nice on a button). Yes, you could use padding, but if you want your button to dynamically resize, that won't be as clean.
Sometimes when you embed an <a> within a div, only the text is clickable, this setup makes the whole button clickable.
You don't have to deal with forms if you're just trying to move to another page. Forms are meant for inputting information, and they should be reserved for that.
Allows you to cleanly separte the button styling and text styling from each other (stretch advantage? Sure, but CSS can get nasty-looking so it's nice to decompose it).
It definitely made my life easier styling a mobile website for variable-sized screens.
There seems to be three solutions to this problem (all with pros and cons).
Solution 1: Button in a form.
But the problem with this is that in some version of popular browsers such as Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer, it adds a question mark character to the end of the URL. So in other words for the code above your URL will end up looking like this:
There is one way to fix this, but it will require server-side configuration. One example using Apache Mod_rewrite would be to redirect all requests with a trailing
to their corresponding URL without the?
. Here is an example using .htaccess, but there is a full thread here:Similar configurations can vary depending on the webserver and stack used. So a summary of this approach:
looks ugly in some browsers. This can be fixed by a hack (in some cases) using POST instead of GET, but the clean way is to have a server-side redirect. The downside with the server side redirect is that it will cause an extra HTTP call for these links because of the 304 redirect.<form>
elementSolution 2: Using JavaScript.
You can use JavaScript to trigger onclick and other events to mimic the behavior of a link using a button. The example below could be improve and remove from the HTML, but it is there simply to illustrate the idea:
Solution 3: Anchor (link) styled like a button.
Styling a link like a button is relatively easy and can provide similar experience across different browsers. Bootstrap does this, but it is also easy to achieve on your own using simple styles.
to work.Cons:
events on buttons.Conclusion
Solution #1 (Button in a form) seems like the most transparent for users with minimal work required. If your layout is not impacted by this choice and the server side tweak is feasible, this is a good option for cases where accessibility is the top priority (e.g. links on an error page or error messages).
If JavaScript is not an obstacle to your accessibility requirements, then solution #2 (JavaScript) would be preferred over #1 and #3.
If for some reason, accessibility is vital (JavaScript is not an option) but you are in a situation where your design and/or your server configuration is preventing you from using option #1, then solution #3 (Anchor styled like a button) is a good alternative solve this problem with minimal usability impact.