Hi I have a jabberserver and i would like to be able to push messages out to users from a php script.
F.x. if i call script.php from my browser, it sends a message to a user. I've tried both with jaxl and xmpphp which are xmp frameworks, but i cant get it to work. Not with my own server, and neither with facebooks server.
I have the following ind my script.php:
$conn = new XMPP('chat.facebook.dk', 5222, 'username', 'password', '', 'chat.facebook.com', true, XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_VERBOSE);
$conn->message('someusername@chat.facebook.com', 'This is a test message!');
But nothing happends and no errors either. I've followed this guide to set up an echobot, and it works with both my server and facebook. The script is here: http://abhinavsingh.com/blog/2010/02/writing-your-first-facebook-chat-bot-in-php-using-jaxl-library/ <-- and is run on the server commandline, and waiting for a message, and then replys.
What do i have to do ?