I'm trying to allow a content editor to have the option to exclude items from a search page. There is a checkbox on the template being searched which indicates whether or not it should show up or not. I've seen a few answer that involve inheriting from Sitecore.Search.Crawlers.DatabaseCrawler and overriding the AddItem method (Excluding items selectively from Sitecore's Lucene search index - works when rebuilding with IndexViewer, but not when using Sitecore's built-in tools). This does not seem to be hit when rebuilding indexes from the control panel though. I have been able to hit a method in Sitecore.ContentSearch.SitecoreItemCrawler called RebuildFromRoot. Does anyone know exactly when the DatabaseCrawler method from that question is hit? I have a feeling I'll need to use both a custom SitecoreItemCrawler and DatabaseCrawler but I'm not positive. Any insight would be appreciated. I am using Sitecore 8.0 (rev. 150621).
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Inherit from the default Lucene crawler implementation in Sitecore and override the
method, returning true to exclude the item from being indexed:The
method is required to remove items from the index if an item in updated at a future date.Use a patch file to replace the crawler for which ever indexes you need.
You will have to rebuild the indexes afterwards (from the control panel is fine) so that the items are excluded.