I have added a .png image in sprit builder resource folder and I have published it.
I see the added image in sprite builder all folder in Resources under Published-IOS.
Here I have tried to access the added image in following ways.
_hero.spriteFrame = [CCSpriteFrame frameWithImageNamed:@"Down.png"];
[_hero setTexture:[CCTexture textureWithFile:@"Game/Down.png"]]
But none of these methods are working.
it show error in log as.
-[CCFileUtils fullPathForFilename:contentScale:] : cocos2d: Warning: File not found: Down.png
Please help me with this to resolve.Am a newbie using this sprit builder.
" to@"Resources/Down.png"
because you have to include the folders created in SpriteBuilder for any references to resource files managed by SpriteBuilder.Likewise if you had some.ccb in a subfolder named "Levels" you'd have to load it with the string