I have some web services exposed using spring web services.
I would like to set a maximun timeout on server side, I mean, when a client invokes my web service It could not last more than a fixed time. Is it possible?
I have found lot of information about client timeouts, but not server timeout.
Thanks in advanced.
You can work around this issue by making the web service server trigger the real work on another thread and countdown the time out it self and return failure if timed out.
Here is an example of how you can do it, it should time out after 10 seconds:
This is set at the level of the server itself and not the application, so it's application server dependent.
The reason for this is that it's the server code that opens the listening socket used by the HTTP connection, so only the server code can set a timeout by passing it to the socket API call that starts listening to a given port.
As an example, this is how to do it in Tomcat in file