I have trying to configure AWS server myself.
Info1:EC2 as hosting and select Ubuntu 14 as OS and install Apache PHP and i have check that it php and http works.
I have install Apache and php using below commend
sudo apt-get install apche2 php5 libapche2-mod-php5
Info2: Rds as mysql database instance.
it is working
Now i have put a ambc.sql on ec2 system
and tryingimport it to MySQL-rds system
Please the screen shot:
when we trying to import sql from EC2 it show error The Program 'mysql' can be ...see the screen shot
Issue2: is need to install some MySQL or PHP to library which will connect EC2w with Rds and running the system.
Please help me anymore.it immediate.Thanks in advance
If you have created a RDS instance, you can connect to that instance using tool like, SQLYog. From where you can connect to RDS mysql server.
You need to install
mysql command line client
. The info is already there in the screenshot. You need to installmysql-client-core-5.5
depending on your RDS MySQl version.So, you may want to run something like below to install these packages: