I have a TStringGrid where the selected row (max 1, no multi-select) should always have a different background colo(u)r.
I set the DefaultDrawing property to false, and provide a method for the OnDrawCell event, shown below - but it is not working. I can't even describe exactly how it is not working; I supect that if I could I would already have solved the problem. Suffice it to say that instead of having complete rows all with the same background colour it is a mish-mash. Muliple rows have some cells of the "Selected" colour and not all cells of the cselected row have the selected colour.
Note that I compare the cell's row with the strnggrid's row; I can't check the cell state for selected since only cell of the selected row is selected.
procedure TForm1.DatabaseNamesStringGridDrawCell(Sender: TObject;
ACol, ARow: Integer;
Rect: TRect;
State: TGridDrawState);
var cellText :String;
if gdFixed in State then
DatabaseNamesStringGrid.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace
if ARow = DatabaseNamesStringGrid.Row then
DatabaseNamesStringGrid.Canvas.Brush.Color := clAqua
DatabaseNamesStringGrid.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
cellText := DatabaseNamesStringGrid.Cells[ACol, ARow];
DatabaseNamesStringGrid.Canvas.TextOut(Rect.Left + 2, Rect.Top + 2, cellText);
This works for me
Refresh the grid
Note: Has a little latency, but otherwise works great.
(Used in Delphi XE2)
if you are trying of paint the selected row or cell with a different color you must check for the
value in thestate
var.Do you have run-time themes enabled? Run-time themes override any colour scheme you try to enforce for Windows Vista and up.
When a new cell is selected in a stringgrid only the previous and the new selected cell are invalidated. Thus the remaining cells of the previous and new row are not redrawn, giving the effect you describe.
One workaround would be to call InvalidateRow for both affected rows, but this is a protected method and you have to find a way to reach this method from an OnSelectCell event handler. Depending on your Delphi version there are different ways to accomplish that.
The cleanest way would be to derive from TStringGrid, but in most cases this is not feasible. With a newer Delphi version you can use a class helper to achieve this. Otherwise you have to rely on the usual protected hack.