I know similar questions had been asked many time, but I cannot workout something fitting my needs...
So I have a file, containing a secret key, the line is starting like :
The secret key is a non-fixed length.
I want to find this line, to save it somewhere, to replace the all file containing the secret key by another file (very similar, but with a different secret key which I don't want), and to reintroduce the original secret key in the new file!
So for the moment I have this code:
echo Saving the actual SECRET_KEY...
findstr "SECRET_KEY" somefile.py > SECRET_KEY.txt
echo Copying source code files...
xcopy %~dp0\somepath %~dp0\someotherpath /EY
This part is working, as I have stored the original secret key in a text file, and replaced the file by another (together with other files, directories structures, etc...)
So now how can I find again the line starting by SECRET_KEY and replace the all line by the content of SECRET_KEY.txt?
EDIT: I made some progress I think:
echo Saving the SECRET_KEY...
findstr "SECRET_KEY" inputfile.py > SECRET_KEY.txt
echo Copying source code files...
xcopy %~dp0\somepath %~dp0\someotherpath /EY
echo Restoring the SECRET_KEY...
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('findstr /I "SECRET_KEY" SECRET_KEY.txt') do set "secret_key=%%a"
echo !secret_key!
@echo off
set file=inputfile.py
set newline=!secret_key!
set insertline=23
set output=outputfile.py
(for /f "tokens=1* delims=[]" %%a in ('find /n /v "##" ^< "%file%"') do (
if "%%~a"=="%insertline%" (
echo !newline!
) ELSE (
)) > %output%
I can then delete SECRET_KEY.TXT, inputfile.py, and rename outputfile.py into inputfile.py Most likely not the most efficent way, but it works...
EXCEPT for one thing! I have a lot a special characters in this inputfile, that's why I used !secret_key! for example...
But I also have a lot of:
[some stuff]
and in the outputfile, it appears as:
[some stuff
So I guess I'm close, but I can't find a delimiter which will allow every single character to be outputed!
The following script reads the line containing
from fileotherfile.py
at first; then it gets the number of the line of the input fileinputfile.py
is placed; afterwards it reads the fileinputfile.py
line by line, check each line number whether it matches the previously found one; if a match is found, the previously gathered key from fileotherfile.py
is returned, so the line is replaced; otherwise, the line returned unedited; the output data is written to fileoutputfile.py
:Note that the
variables (defined at the top of the script) may be set to the same file path. However,OUTFILE
must be different fromINFILE
; otherwise the referred file will be emptied.This covers only the tasks of storing the
line of a file to a variable and of exchanging the line containingSECRET_KEY
in a file by the previously stored one and write the result to another file.