I have a spring MVC view which provides an excel file, however, I've now modified the process so that the user gets a modal box in which they can select some options before downloading the excel. These selected options are sent to the view.
My request looks like this
$.get("downloadExcel", {
'foo': 'bar'
When that request is made I expect the file to be downloaded, however, that is not happening. Even though the response headers from the above request are:
Cache-Control:private, must-revalidate
Content-disposition:attachment; filename=filename.xls
Content-Type:application/vnd.ms-excel; charset=ISO-8859-1
Note: All works well when I remove the dialog box so the request is no longer an ajax request.
Is there a way to fetch excel file via an ajax request?
You can't do this using an Ajax response. You either need to redirect the browser or render a hidden iFrame in the page to initiate the download.