How is it possible to open FireFox browser by Ruby(for automation script)? I use @browser = RSpecSeleniumHelper.connect_browser('/admin/', '*firefox'), but it doesn't work.
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I encountered two issues while getting this running:
If you are running your Ruby app from MacOS, the command firefox may not be properly aliased by default and so may fail without errors printed to your Ruby console.
If you already have an instance of Firefox open, you will get a message saying "Close Firefox - A copy of Firefox is already open. Only one copy of Firefox can be open at a time."
This code fixes both problems:
You can start any program in ruby with:
You can use Watir, as it supports Firefox also:
You may have to check if the Selenium Remote Control is start or not, normally it is running at port 4444.
then you can use
Hope this helps, you can find more demo by download Selenium RC