I need to make a transition screen, ou just put a dialog, because the app give a black screen when is creating the database.
I have google, and find some solutions for this. One of then, is just put a progress dialog when the database is been created.
My problem, and newbie question is, where do i put the progress dialog.
A -> BlackScreen -> B where A is the inicial menu, and B the other screen. I have tried to put the dialog on A and/or in B and dont work. So where can i put the code of the progress dialog, so it shows in the BlackScreen ?
//Create the Object
DownloadAsyncTask downloadAsyncTask = new DownloadAsyncTask(); downloadAsyncTask.execute();
now till your work get's completed it shows progress dialog inside the doInbackground write your logic and onPostExecute dismiss the dialog and call Intent of other Activity.
Make use of Asyntask . put your database operation of creating database in asyntask in pre execute start dialog post execute cancel dialog in background perform database operation