I'm trying to open an ipython-notebook (which is running on a server) on a macbook from a remote location through an ssh tunnel but no data received. This is the command for the SSH tunnel
ssh -L 5558:localhost:5558 -N -t -x user@remote-host
and this is the command I used to lunch the notebook form the server
ipython notebook --pylab=inline --port=5558 --ip=* --no-browser --notebook-dir notebooks
Than I tried to open it on a new tab with this remote-host:5558
but no data received.
Thanks in advance!
Read this: How do I add a kernel on a remote machine in IPython (Jupyter) Notebook?
Remote jupyter kernel/kernels administration utility (the rk) here: https://github.com/korniichuk/rk
The directive
-L AAAA:somehost:BBBB
will cause SSH to listen on port AAAA on localhost (the machine the ssh command is run on) and forward any connection to that port, over the SSH session, to the host somehost port BBBB. So, you need to openhttp://localhost:5558/
in the browser on the machine you run the ssh command on.