I have a java app running on elastic beanstalk, with the log rotation to S3 set up and working fine. However, I find that my catalina.out log file only exists for up to 15 minutes before rolling to a new file, which makes debugging problems on the same day more tedious (get gz from s3 and unzip, instead of just ssh-ing and reading the log file).
Is there any way to configure this through tomcat/log4j or the elastic-beanstalk console? I believe it's an AWS thing, because we had the same app deployed on Dotcloud and it kept a single log file per day.
As of Today, not really. The only thing that you can do is modify the file /etc/logrotate.conf.elasticbeanstalk in the EC2 instance where your app is running.
Change the size of the log and that should put more log info in one file:
There's another post that has more info here:
Rotating S3 Logging using log4j with Elastic Beanstalk