Here is my entire code and I will explain it and what I want to add.
The first function is calling two other functions.
The second function is used to calculate JMBG, which is unique number of citizen in my country. The third one is calculating PIB, which is registered number for companies.
Those two functions are OK and they don't need to be moved or anything like that.
We need to change this first function. As you can see, in the first function I am checking whether the length of the input string is OK. If the length is 13 numbers I call JMBG and if it is 8 I call PIB function. That is OK.
But I must check other types of validation in this first function. As I said, my Excel cell contains 13 numbers or 8 numbers. I want to make some rules in this first function that will tell me if my cell is filled with anything else except those 8 numbers or 13, then send me msg telling me that there is error in the cell and those 2 other functions then won't be called. As you can see, I need validation.
Example: Cell A1: 1234567891234...there is 13 numbers and JMBG will be called 08058808...there is 8 numbers and PIB will be called 1234567890123aSdf~...error because small and big letters and other characters are in the field.
As sum of all this, I need for 8 numbers to call PIB, for 13 numbers to call JMBG and for anything else except that to send me error.
Function ProvjeraID(ID As String) As String
If Len(ID) = 13 Then
ProvjeraID = Provjeri_JMBG(ID)
'Exit Function
ElseIf Len(ID) = 8 Then
ProvjeraID = ProvjeriPIB(ID)
'Exit Function
ProvjeraID = "Duzina je razlicita od 8 i od 13"
'Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function Provjeri_JMBG(JMBG As String) As String
' Funkcija vraca tekst sa opisom ispravnosti JMBG
' Primijeniti na radnom listu uz pomoc komande: =Proveri_JMBG(adresa)
' Inicijalizacija promenljivih koje se koriste prilikom izrade koda
Dim duzina As Integer, zbir As Integer
Dim cifra(1 To 13) As Integer
Dim dan As Integer, mesec As Integer, godina As String
' Inicijalizacija konstanti
Const ERR_dan = "GREŠKA: podatak o datumu neispravan!"
Const ERR_mesec = "GREŠKA: podatak o mesecu neispravan!"
Const ERR_godina = "GREŠKA: podatak o godini neispravan!"
Const ERR_duzina = "GREŠKA: dužina razlicita od 13!"
Const ERR_kont = "GREŠKA: neispravan kontrolni broj!"
Const OK_JMBG = "JMBG je ispravan"
' Preuzimanje ulaznih vrednosti sa kojima ce se vrsiti operacije
duzina = Len(JMBG)
dan = Int(Left(JMBG, 2))
mesec = Int(Mid$(JMBG, 3, 2))
godina = Mid$(JMBG, 5, 3)
' Provjera dužine JMBG
If (duzina <> 13) Then
Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: dužina razlicita od 13!"
Exit Function
End If
' Provjera datuma
If dan < 1 Then
Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: podatak o datumu neispravan!"
Exit Function
End If
' Provjera mjeseca i dana u mjesecu
Select Case mesec
Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
If dan > 31 Then
Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: podatak o datumu neispravan!"
Exit Function
End If
Case 4, 6, 9, 11
If dan > 30 Then
Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: podatak o datumu neispravan!"
Exit Function
End If
Case 2
If ((godina Mod 4 = 0) And dan > 29) Or _
((godina Mod 4 <> 0) And dan > 28) Then
Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: podatak o datumu neispravan!"
Exit Function
End If
Case Else
Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: podatak o mesecu neispravan!"
Exit Function
End Select
' Provjera godine: ispravne su od 1899 do tekuce godine
If (godina > Right(Str(Year(Now)), 3)) And (godina < "899") Then
Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: podatak o godini neispravan!"
Exit Function
End If
' Provjera kontrolnog broja
For i = 1 To 13
cifra(i) = Int(Mid$(JMBG, i, 1))
Next i
zbir = cifra(13) + cifra(1) * 7 + cifra(2) * 6
zbir = zbir + cifra(3) * 5 + cifra(4) * 4
zbir = zbir + cifra(5) * 3 + cifra(6) * 2
zbir = zbir + cifra(7) * 7 + cifra(8) * 6
zbir = zbir + cifra(9) * 5 + cifra(10) * 4
zbir = zbir + cifra(11) * 3 + cifra(12) * 2
If (zbir Mod 11) <> 0 Then
Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: neispravan kontrolni broj!"
Provjeri_JMBG = "JMBG je ispravan"
End If
End Function
Public Function ProvjeriPIB(PIB As String)
Dim c0 As Integer
Dim c1 As Integer
Dim c2 As Integer
Dim c3 As Integer
Dim c4 As Integer
Dim c5 As Integer
Dim c6 As Integer
Dim c7 As Integer
Dim c8 As Integer
Dim zadnji As String
zadnji = Right(PIB, 1)
PIB = Left(PIB, 8)
If Len(PIB) <> 8 Then
ProvjeriPIB = "PIB je OK"
c8 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 1, 1)) + 10) Mod 10
If c8 = 0 Then
c8 = 10
End If
c8 = (c8 * 2) Mod 11
c7 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 2, 1)) + c8) Mod 10
If c7 = 0 Then
c7 = 10
End If
c7 = (c7 * 2) Mod 11
c6 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 3, 1)) + c7) Mod 10
If c6 = 0 Then
c6 = 10
End If
c6 = (c6 * 2) Mod 11
c5 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 4, 1)) + c6) Mod 10
If c5 = 0 Then
c5 = 10
End If
c5 = (c5 * 2) Mod 11
c4 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 5, 1)) + c5) Mod 10
If c4 = 0 Then
c4 = 10
End If
c4 = (c4 * 2) Mod 11
c3 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 6, 1)) + c4) Mod 10
If c3 = 0 Then
c3 = 10
End If
c3 = (c3 * 2) Mod 11
c2 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 7, 1)) + c3) Mod 10
If c2 = 0 Then
c2 = 10
End If
c2 = (c2 * 2) Mod 11
c1 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 8, 1)) + c2) Mod 10
If c1 = 0 Then
c1 = 10
End If
c1 = (c1 * 2) Mod 11
c0 = (11 - c1) Mod 10
If c0 <> zadnji Then
ProvjeriPIB = "PIB je OK"
ProvjeriPIB = "PIB nije OK"
End If
'return(pib || to_char(c0));
End If
End Function
Something like this should help - you can define the criteria in the select statement. It's a UDF so put the code into a module and enter
into a cell.In case formula-based solution is OK - use this ARRAY formula (assuming string for checking is in
):=IF(OR(NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH(ROW($1:$10)-1,A1)))),"Has digits","No digits")
and press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER instead of usual ENTER - this will define an ARRAY formula and will result in
brackets around it (but do NOT type them manually!).String length and any other chars do not matter. Hope that was helpful)
Replace your first function with something like the following, and call it in a cell using
to evaluate the contents of cell A1:This solution is based on
from Scripting library. I have used 3 objects, but code definitely be trimmed to use just one object to check for all three conditions that you required. Since you wanted information about the text that you are inserting I have merely used 3 differentregex
rules.Results : used the sub as a function:
OP requests for a function, and length limit to be 8: