I'd like to show a few desktop notifications triggered from my firefox add-on but it seems like you can only show one at a time, from my testing. I am not sure if there is any official way to do this, since I did not find any mentions in the notifications docs https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/SDK/High-Level_APIs/notifications, but I'll take a hacky way, too.
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Did you say hacky?
They won't stack (at least on OSX), and you might want to check what the default notification time by OS is before setting the delay to 5 seconds, but it's the best I can think of given the limitations of the notification module.
Not that you care, but I just show different notifications in my add-on depending on whether it's one or several; I feel like it's less intrusive.
Then you need to add an
that does something different depending on whether it's for one or many.