I want to use this library(http://pinesframework.org/pnotify/) on my angularjs project
to show error notifications here is a simple usage for it :
title: 'Oh No!',
text: text OR HTML,
type: 'error'
What i want is showing the errors i got as JSON on a notification, but i cant add html with angular tags in this notification.
This is what i tried to do (Im calling it from a service and i am passing the $scope to the function):
scope.errors = {"errors":[{"text":"error1"},{"text":"error2"}]};
var htmlTemplate = '<p ng-repeat = "error in errors.errors">{{error.text}}</p>';
var result = $compile(htmlTemplate)(scope);
$.pnotify({title: title,
text: result,
type: 'error',
but the notification just show [object Object]
if i tried adding it to a div like this it works fine
i tried to solve it but nothing worked for me ,i want to solve it from the angularjs side not by changing the library for my case.
After looking at your jsfiddle: jsfiddle.net/bh6kX/19 I have a few comments before we get to the answer.
The compile function does not return html, it returns a link function which is used to bind template (a DOM element/tree) to a scope docs. You also don't need to compile anything as it looks like pnotify (Which I have no experience with) takes direct text as the parameter. So after looping through your error variable, which I've shortened to just:
And just joining the text together, I passed that into ptnoify and it worked. The styling isn't there, but i have a feeling that's just jsfiddle not liking the css.
fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/rtCP3/36/
The solution I came up with involves $compile()ing the template after pnotify adds it to the DOM. To find out where it is in the DOM after pnotify adds it, I used the
parameter to add a dummy class calledmyClazz
. I then used a jQuery selector to find it:Fiddle
Note that the DOM manipulation should really be done in a directive, not a service.