I have this template rendering JSON content:
#{list data}
"title": ${_.title},
"id": ${_.id}
#{if !_isLast},#{/if}#{/list}
Is there a way to sort data
inside the template before printing the data members?
I have this template rendering JSON content:
#{list data}
"title": ${_.title},
"id": ${_.id}
#{if !_isLast},#{/if}#{/list}
Is there a way to sort data
inside the template before printing the data members?
Doing logic such as sorting is what controllers are for, you shouldn't be sorting in your template, templates are for rendering.
Write a Comparator that sorts your json objects following your desired criteria and call Collections.sort(data, yourComparator) before passing data to the template.
It is possible:
In addition you can give sort() a lambda expression how to sort, some examples are here: http://groovy.codehaus.org/JN1015-Collections
But it is best not to use the template engine at all to render JSON. You can use Jackson from your controller http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonInFiveMinutes or use renderJson from a controller class: http://www.playframework.org/documentation/api/1.2.5/play/mvc/Controller.html . Palako gave you already the hint to sort in the controller.