I am trying to run any program on visual studio 2013 update 3 and I get the following alert box :
Process with an ID #### is not running .
// every time there is different ID number showing
and in the error windows I get this error msg:
The program '[3148] iisexpress.exe' has exited with code -1073741816 (0xc0000008) 'An invalid handle was specified'.
Sometimes it runs and in the browser i get the following message : The webpage is not available.
I have looked around and try almost everything and I stil cannot fix the problem.
Please help anyone
I also had the same problem, doing the above didn't work for me. What my error turned out to be was twofold.
I set that project specifically as the startup, then I switched it back to launching IE and it started debugging again.
Hope that helps
I had the same problem, and what needed to be done was setup IIS Express properly. I right clicked on my project -- Properties -- Web (tab) and on Servers: Project URL, was already pre-populated and I clicked the button "Create Virtual Directory". I had just reinstalled (refreshed) windows and the IIS was not setup b/c it was new.
Hope this helps.
Close your instance of Visual studio. Start it again in Administration mode. "Run as Admin"
Running as administrator didn't seem to make a difference when I got this.
processes had been closed<path_to_your_solution>\Solution\.vs\config\applicationhost.config
Change the site name.
<site name="MySite" id="1" serverAutoStart="true">
to :
<site name="MySite2" id="1" serverAutoStart="true">
Same error Process with an ID #### is not running using visual studio 2015 RC.
Only go rid of the message after repair IIS 10 in Control Panel - Programs and Features
The following steps fix the problem for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017:
and IIS Express should load as normal, allowing you to debug.