I am looking for a Javascript autocomplete implementation which includes the following:
- Can be used in a HTML textarea
- Allows for typing regular text without invoking autocomplete
- Detects the
character and starts autocomplete when it is typed - Loads list of options through AJAX
I believe that this is similar to what Twitter is doing when tagging in a tweet, but I can't find a nice, reusable implementation.
A solution with jQuery would be perfect.
Another plugin which provides similar functionality:
You can use it with custom triggers or you can use it without any triggers. Works with input fields, textareas and contenteditables. And jQuery is not a dependency.
Try this:
http://jsfiddle.net/mekwall/mcWnL/52/ This link will help you
I've created a Meteor package for this purpose. Meteor's data model allows for fast multi-rule searching with custom rendered lists. If you're not using Meteor for your web app, (I believe) you unfortunately won't find anything this awesome for autocompletion.
Autocompleting users with
, where online users are shown in green:In the same line, autocompleting something else with metadata and bootstrap icons:
Fork, pull, and improve:
This small extension seems to be the closest at least in presentation to what was asked. Since it's small, it can be easily understood and modified. http://lookapanda.github.io/jquery-hashtags/