I want to create excel sheet from asp.net application using C# language.
please reply me how to create it and also if having source. I don't know how to create it.
Also I want drop down list in one of column. how we can do this.
Please reply me its urgent....
Regards, Girish
The two basic approaches to your question are to use ADO.NET or to use system.xml libraries. If you use XML you will be creating a XML based Office 2007 format file (as well as read/write), whereas with ADO.NET you will need an existing file, afaik.
I'd recommend using a library such as the one suggested above to work with it as an XML file, and distribute it as a XLSX/XLSM based file. Even if the user is on Office 2003, they can use the compatibility back to open such files (basic download from Microsoft).