I have a shared hosting and I'm trying to make my laravel project works on it, I'm using voyager to the admin panel.
I put my app public folder inside the /public_html and the rest of the project on the same level of the /public_html, so it looks like this:
app -> my project
public_html -> where my app public folder is
I have managed to work almost everything, but the admin panel is not working properly.
When I access www.example.com/admin it goes to www.example.com/admin/login, I put my credentials and submit the form, after it returns to the same page, then I checked the network tab on Chrome and it appears the following message:
Request URL: http://example.com/admin/login
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 403 Forbidden
Anybody knows how to fix it?
Usually, you should copy your files of public folder to the public_html folder and put other folders outside of public_html because it is available to the whole world.
You should modify the public/index.php file will following details:
Since you have public folder inside public_html folder, you should add one more (..)
Domain or subdomain
Point your domain or subdomain to {{your_domain}}/public
Don't forget to update your .env file
Normally you don't need to change files and folder permission. If you need to then set Folders to 755 and files to 644
Hi your storage folder must be set permission 777 chmod -R 777 OR sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www (recomended)