I'm trying to use the google sheets API to append new rows to an existing google sheet. Authentication already happens successfully and code is able to read the contents of the sheet.
However, when I try to use service.spreadsheets().values().append(...)
, I get the following HttpError: "Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "": Root element must be a message."
Here is my code:
from json import dumps as jsdumps
credentials = get_credentials()
http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
discoveryUrl = discoveryUrl = ('https://sheets.googleapis.com/$discovery/rest?version=v4')
service = discovery.build('sheets', 'v4', http=http, discoveryServiceUrl=discoveryUrl)
spreadsheetId = '{...}'
rangeName = "Sheet1"
value_input_option = 'RAW'
insert_data_option = 'INSERT_ROWS'
value_range_body = {
"range": rangeName,
"majorDimension:": "ROWS",
"values": list(rd.values()), # rd is just a dictionary with some stuff in it
So then when I try to send it:
request = service.spreadsheets().values().append(spreadsheetId=spreadsheetId, range=rangeName, valueInputOption=value_input_option, insertDataOption=insert_data_option, body=jsdumps(value_range_body))
After running request.execute()
, I get the error listed above.
I was having a similar problem. This worked for me: