I am trying to add tooltips/popovers using the shinyBS package for a Shiny application but am having an issue due to tabs don't have input/ids. This is preventing the tooltip from firing. Any thoughts?
ui = tagList(
theme = "cerulean", # <--- To use a theme, uncomment this
tabPanel(id="test","Navbar 1",
bsTooltip("test", title="Test Title", trigger = "hover"),
fileInput("file", "File input:"),
textInput("txt", "Text input:", "general"),
sliderInput("slider", "Slider input:", 1, 100, 30),
tags$h5("Deafult actionButton:"),
actionButton("action", "Search"),
tags$h5("actionButton with CSS class:"),
actionButton("action2", "Action button", class = "btn-primary")
tabPanel("Tab 1",
bsTooltip("Tab 1", title="Test Title"),
h4("Verbatim text output"),
h1("Header 1"),
h2("Header 2"),
h3("Header 3"),
h4("Header 4"),
h5("Header 5")
tabPanel("Tab 2"),
tabPanel("Tab 3")
tabPanel("Navbar 2"),
tabPanel("Navbar 3")
server = function(input, output) {
output$txtout <- renderText({
paste(input$txt, input$slider, format(input$date), sep = ", ")
output$table <- renderTable({
head(cars, 4)
Attached is a test application using TabPanels and Tabset Panels for testing.
you can use HTML wenn passing the Title of the Tabs. in this case I just pt the title in a span and added the attribute titlewhich is the attribute HTML uses default for mouse-overs. For me this is much sinpler the trying to add it over shinyBS.
Here is a minimal example that adds a tooltip to forst tab
As you can see, I have only changed 3 lines
which will be used laterBasycally, you should be able to wrap whatever content you want into a div, give it an id and then add a popover. If you run into any problems with this approach, please let me know.