Is it possible to programmatically add an image to a toast popup?
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Knickedi's solution is good, but if you only need an icon next to the text you can make use of the fact that the Toast has a pre-defined TextView with the same ID and set the icon on the TextView:
Yes, you can add imageview or any view into the toast notification by using setView() method, using this method you can customize the Toast as per your requirement.
Here i have created a Custom layout file to be inflated into the Toast notification, and then i have used this layout in Toast notification by using setView() method.
I think this is better that we show text of Toast on the image which we pass to the makeImageToast function... so I shades Knickedi codes and :
and this is use of it:
There's always the possibility to create a custom layout. There was one fact which I disliked about that: It breaks the system default toast UI. This could differ on different platforms and implementations. There's no simple way to use the system default resource so I decided to hack the toast and force an image into it.
Hint: You can get the default resource like this:
Toast.makeToast(context, "", 0).getView().getBackground()
Here's a helper which will display an image in front of the toast message:
Helper.makeImageToast(context, R.drawable.my_image, "Toast with image", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
I use that to indicate success, info or error. Makes a toast information nicer and more expressive...
(It's worth mentioning that the hack bases on the fact that the internal toast is using a
so isn't system and implementation independent. See comments.)Simply, Use the following: