I am trying to convert .mov to .mp4 using ffmpeg my command is :
ffmpeg -i input.mov -vcodec libx264 -acodec copy output.mp4
but its giving me error like this
[buffer @ 00000000059bf480] Unable to parse option value "-1" as pixel format
Last message repeated 1 times
[buffer @ 00000000059bf480] Error setting option pix_fmt to value -1. [graph 0 input from stream 0:4 @ 00000000043fd8a0] Error applying options to the filter. Error opening filters!
even I tried for another command
ffmpeg -i input.mov -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.mp4
but it converts only some part and first part is blank with sound then after some time picture is coming..
I have two Q's
1] for first command what is -pix_fmt and what value to be set for ?
2] for second command why it was giving only some part, as I am copying everything vcodec as well acodec..
please guide me ..!!
you are running an old version of ffmpeg. this problem of conversion from .mov to .mp4 was fixed. see this
download the latest version. i would recommend installing the latest version from a binary as it is much simpler. i have answered about the same here
is pixel format and its value should be an integer.run
ffmpeg -pix_fmts
to see the all the available pixel formats.Probably, selected profile does not support 4:2:2.
So, you need to mention the 4:2:0 by adding
"-pix_fmt yuv420p"
to the command.Hope this will fix it.
FFmpeg's "Unable to parse option value '-1' as pixel format" does occur with corrupted or harder to parse videos (although doubted on the mailing list). I've had it, and the best comment on that is to try increasing analyzeduration - as in this ticket. Some ffmpegs/ avconvs also give a note about tinkering with probesize:
Well, both didn't work on a file where I tried it:
but other people's mileage may vary.