I having a errorCannot resolve symbol 'FusedLocationProviderClient' while declaring
private FusedLocationProviderClient mFusedLocationClient;
The same is asked here Cannot Resolve Symbol: FusedLocationProviderClient. Google play services version used 11.0.1 . But still am having the error while using the latest play services.
FusedLocationProvider is part of play-services-location. You are using play-services-maps. Add dependency :
Seems like this was helpful for quite a few people. Here is a link to google docs where all individual library names in play-services along with latest version numbers are kept : https://developers.google.com/android/guides/setup I hope google keeps it updated.
Note: It's recommended to use Google Play services version 11.6.0 or higher, which includes bug fixes for this class. More details here.