I have a sheet and I am generating the Chart from a table.
I would like to generate 2 charts. One chart with absolute numbers and other chart for the same data with Percentage.
Right now, for this, I am using two code, just by adding a line for generating the chart with Y.axis in percentage.
I would like to define column where my chart will start (for eg: chart1 from G7) and chart2 from G15. (I don't have this in my code)
I also, would like to define the length , height and width for my chart.(I don't have this in my code)
It would be great if you can help me add this requirement and do it In a single program.
Sub chartstatus()
Dim rng As Range
Dim cht As Object
Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A2:E53")
Set sh = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart
Set cht = ActiveChart
With cht
.SetSourceData Source:=rng
.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
cht.Axes(xlSecondary).TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0.0%"
End With
cht.SeriesCollection(1).Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255) '<~~ Red
cht.SeriesCollection(2).Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
cht.SeriesCollection(3).Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 255, 0)
cht.HasTitle = True
cht.ChartTitle.Text = "Result 2017"
End Sub
I use the same code, deleting the line to generate the second chart
cht.Axes(xlSecondary).TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0.0%"
For changing the chart location :
vba to add a shape at a specific cell location in Excel
For chart size:
sh.Width =100 sh.Height =100
The easier way if to use the
to create and define the chart, and then modify all it's properties (such as position and dimension).The code below will create the first chart, place it in Cell "G7", and I modifed it's dimensions to show you the properties you need to modify.
You can add another one for the second chart (with an easy copy>>paste).