I am trying to login with google using socialite , my facebook login works fine so the problem in my google app, any help!!!
'google' => [
'client_id' => 'app-key',
'client_secret' => 'app-secret',
'redirect' => 'http://www.shoptizer.com/callback/google',
I found this link https://blog.damirmiladinov.com/laravel/laravel-5.2-socialite-google-login.html
From this tutorial:
Also change the redirect uri by:
If your app is provided by https you must match your http scheme on google api and on your redirect callback.
Also one more point to remember that Socialite also gives uri_mismatch_error even when your redirects are correctly defined in google console but you dynamically changed the redirectUrl through
So plz take care that you should also need to define while receiving the response
where $redirect_url is your custom redirect url. After google redirects you to correct place, but even then Socialite checks it at its end.