Hello all i am trying to post a form using angular but i am getting null values in my spring controller.Also in my console i see null values for the sysout.Moreover i get an error alert even though i see bull is printed on my console.
My JS Controller
angular.module('ngMailChimp', ['ngAria', 'ngMessages', 'ngAnimate'])
.controller('SignUpController', function ($scope, $http) {
$http.defaults.headers.post["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8";
var ctrl = this,
newCustomer = { firstName:'',lastName:'',email:'',streetName:'',aptName:'',cityName:'',stateName:'',countryName:'', zipName:'', userName:'',password:'' };
var signup = function () {
if( ctrl.signupForm.$valid) {
ctrl.showSubmittedPrompt = true;
var formData = {
'firstName' : $scope.ctrl.newCustomer.firstName,
'lastName' : $scope.ctrl.newCustomer.lastName,
'email' : $scope.ctrl.newCustomer.email,
'streetName' : $scope.ctrl.newCustomer.streetName,
'aptName' : $scope.ctrl.newCustomer.aptName,
'cityName' : $scope.ctrl.newCustomer.cityName,
'stateName' : $scope.ctrl.newCustomer.stateName,
'countryName' : $scope.ctrl.newCustomer.countryName,
'zipName' : $scope.ctrl.newCustomer.zipName,
'userName' : $scope.ctrl.newCustomer.userName,
'password' : $scope.ctrl.newCustomer.password
var response = $http.post('http://localhost:8080/Weber/user/save', JSON.stringify(formData));
response.success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
response.error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
alert( "Exception details: " + JSON.stringify({data: data}));
My Spring controller
@RequestMapping(value = "/user")
public class UserRegistrationControllerImpl implements UserRegistrationController {
UserRegistrationDao userDao;
@RequestMapping(value = "/save", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String saveUser(UserRegistration userReg) {
System.out.println(userReg.getFirstName()+" "+userReg.getLastName());
return "success";
Please help me out
Thank you mark.
There is no mapper specified for converting JSON to Java object.
Use Jackson(dore, databind, annotations) if you want the JSON to be converted to object of UserRegistration.
Check this out: Convert nested java objects to Jackson JSON
Need to add below in dispatcher-servlet. This is for mapping the JSON to Java objects:
EDIT 1: Is the method in controller something like this?
Use above if you are not responding back to the webpage with a result to be consumed. If you want something to be returned from this method and displayed in the webpage or consumed elsewhere, the declaration of method would change to:
Try add @RequestBody in the method arguments: