I'm creating a mobile website that will include a page from which people can download relevant apps that we recommend. I've found instructions for creating the links to launch the Market but this assumes that you are the developer of the app in question and know the exact package name.
Is there any way to get the package name, other than just contacting the developers and asking?
Also, it turns out that those instructions don't really work for creating web hyperlinks. They only give you a URI to reference in a string of Java code in another Android app. Our site is in Drupal, so Java is not going to work.
For the iPhone, I found easy instructions for getting the URL/link style I need from the iTunes store, so I'm looking for info like that.
You can search the app online in the Google Play Store. When found, check the url, for example, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=lutey.FTPServer&hl=en
The id parameter corresponds to the package name of the application. In the case of the url in the example, the package name is lutey.FTPServer.
Here are easy way to get app's full package. we can use astro file manager app. You can get it on android market. Astro app manager show us app's full package.
The following bash script can be used to display the package and activity names in an apk, and launch the application by passing it an APK file.
Then to launch the application in the emulator, simply supply the APK filename like so:
Of course if you just want the package and activity name of the apk to be displayed, delete the last line of the script.
You can stop an application in the same way by using this script:
like so:
Important Note: aapt can be found here:
Now you can find the package names of all the apps that are installed in your phone.
Not sure if you still need this, but in http://www.appbrain.com/ , you look up the app and the package name is in the url. For example: http://www.appbrain.com/app/fruit-ninja/com.halfbrick.fruitninja is the link for fruit ninja. Notice the bold
Adding to the above answers: To find the package name of installed apps on any android device: Go to Storage/Android/data/< package-name >