How do I differentiate between right click using mouse and context menu key press on a physical keyboard?
Using this code I tried printing event in console
$('#'+inputId).bind('contextmenu', function(e) {
I grabbed some output for the above code-
For right click using the mouse it is-
- button: 2
- originalEvent: MouseEvent
- type: "contextmenu"
- which: 3
For context menu key press on the keyboard it is-
- button: 2
- originalEvent: MouseEvent
- type: "contextmenu"
- which: 3
I want to perform some action only when 'context menu key' is pressed on the physical keyboard. How do I achieve that?
you can check also if a key is pressed
is the event.if no, is mouse event, if yes is contextmenu key
Edit: the keycode for contextMenu is 93
Hiya there This will help you to capture the difference: Working Demo
I have tested this on Alienware - Chrome, when you will right click you will see the right click alert other wise on keyboard you will see keyborad alert.
Please note: you can identify the click based on
property: this fits the cause.
Also note there are few plugins available to get the shortcut but I would recommend stick to the basic and use the demo I have given if its only to capture both event separately rest demo is all your to play :)