Referring to Child Properties in Ractive.js

2019-07-14 13:59发布

New to Ractive.js and after reading over the docs I'm still hung up on some of the syntax. My example below creates a canvas tag for each element in my array and then instantiates a distinct object of a custom class for each to handle the animation. As noted in comments, I'm throwing three errors.

In the event handler I want to refer to the height property (defined in my array), but neither this.get(repeater.height) nor this.repeater.height work. I also want to call a method of the object associated with that event, but using this.myCustomClass.setFrame() isn't working either.

I'm also getting at least one error in the code for my animation class when I try to refer to methods of the canvas: this.canvas.getContext() where "canvas" is the id I passed in the object constructor.

So clearly I'm misunderstanding something about how to refer to child properties of Ractive instances. Any help here?

var repeater = [
    {id: "stalkerOne", width: 225, height: 432, left: 8, spriteSheetURL: "spriteSheets/stalkerone.jpg", rows: 5, columns: 5, totalFrames:  24},
    {id: "stalkerTwo", width: 175, height: 432, left: 230, spriteSheetURL: "spriteSheets/stalkertwo.jpg", rows: 6, columns: 5, totalFrames:  26},
    {id: "stalkerThree", width: 251, height: 432, left: 404, spriteSheetURL: "spriteSheets/stalkerthree.jpg", rows: 6, columns: 5, totalFrames:  28}

var CanvasAnimation = Ractive.extend( {
    oninit: function() {
            var myCanvasSprite = new CanvasSprite(, repeater.width, repeater.height, repeater.spriteSheetURL, repeater.rows, repeater.columns, repeater.totalFrames);
            //this.canvas.getContext() throwing error in class code

        this.on('setFrame', function (event) {
            var offsetY = event.original.clientY - event.node.getBoundingClientRect().top;
            var relY = offsetY/this.get(repeater.height); //why doesn't this.get() work here?
            this.myCanvasSprite.setFrame(relY); //custom class method not working either...

var canvasAnimation = new CanvasAnimation({
    el: '#container',
    template: '#template',
    data: { repeaters: repeater }

2楼-- · 2019-07-14 14:11

I think what you're missing is adding the array of CanvasSprite objects to the Ractive data, and then using the event context to get the current sprite (see for full example):

var CanvasAnimation = Ractive.extend( {
    template: `
        {{#each sprites}}
            <li on-click='setFrame'>{{.id}}</li>
    oninit() {
        var sprites = this.get('repeaters').map( function(repeater){    
            return new CanvasSprite(, repeater.width, repeater.height, repeater.spriteSheetURL, repeater.rows, repeater.columns, repeater.totalFrames);

        // add the class instances to the data
        this.set( 'sprites', sprites );

        this.on('setFrame', function (event) {
            // here's how we get the sprite from the event
            var sprite = event.context;
            var offsetY = event.original.clientY - event.node.getBoundingClientRect().top;
            var relY = offsetY/sprite.height;
    onrender() {
        // wait till render, otherwise nothing there!
        this.get( 'sprites' ).forEach( sprite => sprite.setFrame(0) );

EDIT: You can also use components to better encapsulate each sprite (see

var CanvasAnimation = Ractive.extend( {
    template: `
        {{#each repeater}}
            <Sprite options='{{this}}'></Sprite>

var Sprite = Ractive.extend({
    template: `<li on-click='setFrame'>{{}}</li>`,
    oninit() {
        const sprite = new CanvasSprite(, repeater.width, repeater.height, repeater.spriteSheetURL, repeater.rows, repeater.columns, repeater.totalFrames );

        // since example template is using properties from sprite,
        // we add it to the data
        this.set( 'sprite',  sprite );

        this.on('setFrame', function (event) {
            var offsetY = event.original.clientY - event.node.getBoundingClientRect().top;
            var relY = offsetY/sprite.height;
    onrender() {

var canvasAnimation = new CanvasAnimation({
    el: document.body,
    template: '#template',
    data: { repeaters: repeater },
    components: { Sprite }

UPDATED: Use multi-parameter constructor and also realized better encapsulation if component handles instantiation of CanvasSprite.

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